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Marine Hand Pump
Marine Hand Pump
Marine Hand Pump                                                                                                                                                                                                    Inquiry 
This hand pump is of double-acting reciprocating piston structure,suitable for delivery of fresh water,fuel sewage and non-corrosive liquids.It is not suitable for the liquids containing fibers or other solid granules.
Y type in the CCS series pumps are used to draw oils or freshwater:Y type in the CS series pumps are used to draw seawater.I,III series hand pumps are used to draw freshwater.
Type Capacity
Pressure head
Suction head
Cylinder diameter
Piston stroke
CS-20 20 20-25 50 5 65 68
CS-20Y,CS-20H 20 25 50 6 65 68
CS-25Y, CS-25H 32 25 50 6 75 80
CS-32 40 20-25 50 5 88 90
CS-32Y CS-32H 48 25 50 6 88 90
CS-40Y CS-40H 65 25 50 6 95 96
I 20 30 80 5 65 50
III 65 30 52 5 100 68
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